Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Clayton Christmas Dinner

Me and my Clayton girls went to dinner at Applebee's last night for a Christmas get-together. I love these girls so much.

My Revolution Team - Kimmy is so much fun. She tries very hard and is always willing to work on harder things. She wants her team to succeed. Holly is so sweet. She works very hard and is willing to practice, practice, practice to get something down. Maddie is one of the most beautiful girls ever. She always remembers the dances. She always has a smile on her face and she is always willing to help the girls in her class. Becca is so funny. She always has stories to tell and she is very talented. She's an excellent dancer and only getting better. Kensie (not pictured) is new to Clayton this year and she is adapting well. She tries very hard to pick up on my style of dance and is fitting in just great.

My Passion Team - Megan is a wonderful dancer. She is talented and works hard to become better. She likes to be challenged and is a wonderful leader. Jess can always make me laugh. I love her red-head sassy personality and her beautiful ballet technique. Annie is the "blonde" in our group and I just adore her. She works so hard and is always so busy, She dances beautifully and I love her tons. Aubrey is so dang cute. She seems to improve every week. She works hard no matter what and is another one that constantly makes me giggle.

Much love and Merry Christmas!

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About Me

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We have been married for over 8 years. In those 8 years we've lived in Taylorsville, St. George and Cedar City and now have our first home in West Valley City. Brian is currently a pharmacy technician and attending school to become a pharmacist. He loves the outdoors: hunting, camping and 4-wheeling. He's also taken up some interest in backpacking. Stephanie is working as an independant contractor doing photography, data entry, graphic design, cleaning, finances, etc. She is also an admin for Zions Securities. She is still teaching at Clayton Productions, has her own photography business (Wood Photography) and a little craft business (Woodn't You Know). (website or Stephanie is also attending WGU and hopes to have her degree finished by the end this year. Stephanie loves scrapbooking, movies, poetry, photography, bike riding, dancing and the outdoors. We're loving life and living it to the fullest we can!