Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I Need Your Help!

As most of you know, I am the Productions Manager and Photographer for a Marketing Company in Salt Lake.

We are starting a new project of recipe cards filled with favorite recipes from band members, singers, business/restaurant owners, chefs, people in the public eye, policemen, firemen, celebrities, professional dancers, etc,etc,etc.

I was wondering if you or someone you know would like to participate.

Recognition will be given on the card and we could put a website, address or phone number on there if they'd like.

These cards will be sent all over Utah, so your name will be promoted - Free of charge.

I would need your favorite recipe, a picture of you or the recipe and a little bit of information about who you are.

Let me know if you would like to participate.

Thank You!

You can email me at orders@3sixtyonline.com

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About Me

My photo
We have been married for over 8 years. In those 8 years we've lived in Taylorsville, St. George and Cedar City and now have our first home in West Valley City. Brian is currently a pharmacy technician and attending school to become a pharmacist. He loves the outdoors: hunting, camping and 4-wheeling. He's also taken up some interest in backpacking. Stephanie is working as an independant contractor doing photography, data entry, graphic design, cleaning, finances, etc. She is also an admin for Zions Securities. She is still teaching at Clayton Productions, has her own photography business (Wood Photography) and a little craft business (Woodn't You Know). (website http://wood-photo.blogspot.com or www.myspace.com/woodphotography). Stephanie is also attending WGU and hopes to have her degree finished by the end this year. Stephanie loves scrapbooking, movies, poetry, photography, bike riding, dancing and the outdoors. We're loving life and living it to the fullest we can!