Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween

I hope everyone had a Happy Halloween. I sure did! Brian and I cooked the best lasagna in the whole wide world and garlic bread. We ate dinner with my dad, Cody and Nikki. It was SO good. Then we watched "Invisible." I liked it -- Yep I did. We had tons of trick-or-treaters. We went through about 100 candy bars. I had my neice Taylor with me all night and then my two neices Allee and Tyler stopped by a little later. They are all so precious. I am the luckiest aunt in the whole wide world.


Jessie Nielson said...

Yay! You have a blog! We have one's

Mandy said...

hey steph, its Amanda from Robyn Todd. Do you remember me? Its been so long since I've seen you or talked to you. We have a mutual friend Ciara. Thought I'd drop you a line and say hi. How are you? Whats new?

Precious said...

Steph- so excited you have a blog, it's so good to see that you are doing well. Haven't seen you since your wedding reception, crazy - love, Nikki (Cheshire) Tait. Check out my blog at I hope you don't mind, I'm adding a link to yours on it.

About Me

My photo
We have been married for over 8 years. In those 8 years we've lived in Taylorsville, St. George and Cedar City and now have our first home in West Valley City. Brian is currently a pharmacy technician and attending school to become a pharmacist. He loves the outdoors: hunting, camping and 4-wheeling. He's also taken up some interest in backpacking. Stephanie is working as an independant contractor doing photography, data entry, graphic design, cleaning, finances, etc. She is also an admin for Zions Securities. She is still teaching at Clayton Productions, has her own photography business (Wood Photography) and a little craft business (Woodn't You Know). (website or Stephanie is also attending WGU and hopes to have her degree finished by the end this year. Stephanie loves scrapbooking, movies, poetry, photography, bike riding, dancing and the outdoors. We're loving life and living it to the fullest we can!